"That's why she should be given a comprehensive female hormone treatment," said Dr. Trate. "It will change the patterning on her mind so that she'll accept male attentions as natural without being offended or frightened. It will help her relax and enjoy being a girl. She'll feel free to giggle or cry as the mood hits her without any male hang-ups. The physical changes will occur slowly just as normal puberty happens to real girls. The new feminine thought patterns will joyously accept the attentions and praise of others in her innate girlishness."

"You explained that the effects of the testosterone blocker are temporary," said Helen. "Will the female hormones make any permanent changes?"

Dr. Trate became quite serious. "Yes, there will be permanent changes. When the testosterone blocker is used in combination with female hormones, the male genitalia will atrophy. The amount of degeneration is hard to judge. I'd say that in Shelley's case, since he hasn't entered male puberty, the effects will be quite drastic. A normal adult man undergoing a year's treatment with testosterone blockers and female hormones can expect to permanently suffer about a twenty to twenty five percent loss in size and the ability to function." "What about Shelley?" Fred asked. "How much permanent loss will occur?"

Dr. Trate looked deep into Fred's eyes. After a few moments silence she replied. "Considering his present state of masculinity, I'd venture a guess that Shelley's masculinity will permanently atrophy at about twenty to twenty five percent per month after the initial month."

Fred was astounded. His mouth dropped open in disbelief. "You're saying that by the end of the fifth month, she'll be unable to ever return to being a male?"

"Yes," replied Dr. Trate. "That is my opinion based on previous experiences with previous boys. To have a real chance of returning to a worthwhile manhood, I'd recommend she stay on the treatments no longer than two months. By the end of the summer, all of you should know



whether you want Shelley to be a permanent part of your lives."

Cindy took Shelley's hand and squeezed it excitedly. Shelley smiled and trembled a bit as she thought about what she was doing. Fred looked at Shelley, wondering if all this was a big mistake. Helen held her tongue, knowing that nothing she could say would alter what would happen. Everyone knew it was all up to Shelley.

Dr. Trate didn't want them to dwell on the permanency of the treatments. "You told me that if Shelley decides to remain, you intend to enroll her and Cindy in parochial school. The girls will be entering third grade, so they'd have to complete that and fourth before they would be able to enroll in a school that I think both girls would simply love! If I may, I'd like to suggest you think about The Misty Meener Academy. It is an exclusive girls' school that I'm associated with as the school physician. The school welcomes special girls like Shelley. If you'd like, I could set you up for a tour this Saturday."

"I've heard of the school," Helen replied. "It does have an excellent reputation. But I'm not sure we can afford to send both girls."

"That won't be a problem," answered Dr. Trate with a smile. "There is a group of wealthy, powerful women who like nothing better than to see one less arrogant male in the world. They provide scholarships for special students like Shelley."

Fred perked up. "Man haters, huh?"

"No," responded Dr. Trate with a smile. "Actually, we like men. I'm one of the charter members. It's just that we've seen so many men who hate themselves and the world because they aren't happy. Sort of like the way Sheldon behaved. Just like Shelley, once they discover their feminine side, they become welcome additions to humanity instead of burdens."

The candid response shut Fred up.

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